Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thinking like Leonardo Da Vinci

North Saskatchewan River near Moose Park, MB
I am currently reading a book entitled "Thinking like Leonardo Da Vinci" when I have a bit of time on my hands, which isn't much lately.  It is a wonderful read on an amazing human being, I have always had a great deal of respect for Da Vinci.  Without a doubt anyone would benefit from adapting some of his characteristics, stretching the mind muscle is a good daily practice.  Ovid Mercredi, a friend of mine, quite often encourages young people to study the great people that have come and gone in order to better their way of life.  Interestingly, he also recommends studying the infamous people as well so that you can learn how not to behave.  Sound advice for sure.  I'm looking forward to seeing Ovid and Gerry at the Eastend Art Retreat in July.  Ovid, like myself, spent time in The Pas, Mb, near where the above watercolour was painted.

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