Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Fence in Passing

This is a monoprint using encaustic wax on rice paper after which, if I remember correctly, I marked up with darker wax marks made with a kiska.  The piece was born out of a passing glance at a rusty corrugated fence down my back alley.


Bianca Botes said...

Le sue opere mi piacciono tanto , anche questa ultima é un dipinto speciale,puoi ammirarlo a lungo ,e non ti stanchi mai di vederlo !Complimenti ,e ancora complimenti !
Un saluto Bianca

Darrell Baschak said...

Bianca, thank you visiting my site and leaving such nice comments I appreciate them very much!

Jane said...

Incredible how your fantasy was triggered by an old rusty fence :) Really gorgeous piece !

Darrell Baschak said...

I recall the words of a National Geographic photographer who said one should look for the extraordinary in the ordinary and also look behind for what you may have missed. I try to remember that as often as I can. Thank you Jane!