Monday, March 9, 2009

More gray days

Man, woke up this morning to -43 Celcius, what brutal weather! The up side is the days are getting longer and when the sun does come out you can feel it on your body. This is a watercolour of a lovely place called the Shellmouth Valley. I have a wonderful friend who lives right on the edge of the valley, she has a wonderful view, which is what this painting is about.


Aleks said...

Wouw,I inlarged the picture and froze instantly as if I was there,walking,breathing trough the cold.Wonderful way to describe brutal,unforgiving weather!Especialy how the white is working in contrast with dark shades and soft horizon distance.From this I can learn a lot,thanks for sharing.I whish you more wonderful sunshine thou!Ciao

Darrell Baschak said...

Glad it worked for you!