Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trapper's Festival

The annual Trappers Festival has come and gone in The Pas, Manitoba. It is the longest running winter festival in Manitoba and one of the oldest in Western Canada. It's claim to fame is the dog races, mushers come from all across North America to vie for first prize. Back in the early 1900's the dogs would run from The Pas to south of Flin Flon and back but they no longer do that. I sometimes wonder if they shouldn't reinstate that practice as a number of other Festivals are doing it now and it is becoming quite popular. Along with the races there is King and Queen Trapper events, the Fur Queen competition, musical and drama events and many other fun and exciting events. The Festival attracts people from all over the world that are interested in the older traditional ways of life. The aboriginal peoples participate in a big way, with dancing, arts and crafts and musical events, as well as winning many of the events that are hosted. I have painted a picture of an aboriginal fellow who is a wonderful dancer, he performed at the Friendship Center along with some traditional drummers.

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